An Example of How to Perform
an Earth Healing Ceremony
1. Find peaceful, nature area or sacred place to hold ceremony. Sometimes its held outside around a fire. Also, ceremonies have often been held during winter or summer solstice or full moon.
2. Perhaps have altar with symbols representing 4 elements of nature [plant, feathers, candle, & sea shells for earth, air, fire & water]
3. May caste a circle of protection. Could also use sage for cleansing & healing participants.
4. Could then invite nature spirits, earth spirits of the 4 directions, angels & arch angels, Great spirit, ascended masters, ancestors, etc. to participate in the ceremony.
5. Guided meditations are recommended
6. Going around in circle, each participant is given a chance to speak, say a prayer, give thanks.
7. Can use imagery, visualizations, affirmations, to see or imagine Earth as being completely cleansed, protected, healed.
8. Could also channel distant healing energy to Earth after visualizing it as being in center of circle.
9. Drumming & medicine wheel are often used in earth healing ceremonies.
10. Sometimes there are nature connecting activities.
11. May celebrate with music, song, dance.
12. Finally thanks is given & the circle is released.